Faculty Members of Dept. Natural Sciences

                                          Tel No. +81-795-44- Ext. No.
                       E-mail address : User-name + @hyogo-u.ac.jp

    Keisuke NIWASE               Ext. 2210     E-mail: niwase
            Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Radiation Damage
    Satoshi ISHIHARA              Ext. 2235     E-mail: satoshi
            Theoretical Physics
                Theory of Elementay Particles, Field Theory 
     Osamu Inomoto                Ext. 2212     E-mail: inomoto
            Nonlinear mechanics and thermodynamics

Chemistry Toru OZEKI Ext. 2201 E-mail: ozeki Analytical Chemistry Yoshiyuki KOWADA Ext. 2202 E-mail: ykowada Inorganic Chemistry Tadatsugu YAMAGUCHI Ext. 2200 E-mail: tyamagu Organic Chemistry
Biology Hidefumi YOSHIOKA Ext. 2196 E-mail: hyoshi
Developmental Biology
Molecular mechanism of a sex differentiation in birds
Megumi KASAHARA Ext. 2195 E-mail: megumi Molecular Biology Genetic systems regulating the adaptation of micro- organisms to environmental changes
Geology Yasuhiro SHIBUE Ext. 2205 E-mail: yshibue Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Economic Geology, Granite Petrology Atsushi TAKEMURA Ext. 2206 E-mail: takemura Shizuo TAKEMURA Ext. 2204 E-mail: takesizu Structural Geology and Stratigraphy

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